Two Bottles Shelter Winery

We drink a Spätburgunder Lovely Lilly from 2019 and a bottle of Brut Nature from 2014 from Shelter Winery in Baden.
We drink a Spätburgunder Lovely Lilly from 2019 and a bottle of Brut Nature from 2014 from Shelter Winery in Baden.
We drink from the Kaiserstuhl a bottle of Chardonnay and a bottle of Pinot Noir 2019 from the vineyard Oberbergener Bassgeige from the winery Franz Keller.
We start the year 2022 with a bottle Pinot Noir S 2016 by Andreas Durst.
We drink a bottle of Brutal from 2020 at the end of the year from Christian Tschida.
We drink a bottle of Spätburgunder 2013 from the Hebsacker Lichtenberg vineyard made by the winery Jürgen Ellwanger.
We drink a bottle of Pinot Noir from the Brauneberger Klostergarten by Markus Molitor from 2016.
We drink a bottle of Pinot Noir Chérelle 2014 from Athénaïs de Béru in Burgundy.
We drink a Klingenberg Alte Reben Spätburgunder Ortswein from 2016 by Benedikt Baltes.