

Three Bottles Ortswein from Pfalz

We are drinking three Ortswein Rieslings from the Palatinate from 2017: Deidesheim Riesling made by von Winning, Forster Riesling from Reichsrat von Buhl and Ruppertsberger Riesling from Christmann.


Two Bottles Kalkofen

We are drinking two wines out of the Deidesheim Kalkofen vineyard: One from the von Winning Winery and one from the Mehling Winery, both harvested in 2016.


Three Wines from Pfalz

A colorful mixture from the Palatinate, Pfalz in german, is in the glass today: A Riesling Suez 2015 from the Reichsrat von Buhl Winery, a Chardonnay 2015 out of the wooden barrel from the Petri Winery and a Pinot Noir 2014 from the Ellermann-Spiegel Winery.